The rational man is what Colin Yardley strives to be.

I am 20 years into retirement from schoolteaching. My interests include the ecology of Chislehurst, where I live and the ecology of the world, where I also live.

I consider ecology, economics, politics and history difficult to disentangle and so I do not
bother trying. Any of these fields are likely to feature in my blogs.

I draw particular inspiration from Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Eric Hobsbawm, Antonio Gramsci,
and contemporaries Noam Chomsky, Paul Mason, Naomi Klein and George Monbiot.

I am an inveterate joiner, a member of the Labour Party (and supporter of Jeremy Corbyn), CND
(founding secretary, 60 years ago, of the Combined Universities CND), Stop The War Coalition,
Amnesty International, RSPB, Plantlife, Resurgence Trust, Woodland Trust, the Socialist History
Society and Comprehensive Future.

That's me, well & truly labelled.


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