Just heard a man on the radio admitting that he has spent over £30,000 on tattoos.

He was followed by a woman who admitted that she no longer wants her 5 tattoos and is having them removed.

The removal process is much more painful than the tattooing and is costing 20 to 30 times more.

When I was a headteacher, I excluded from school  a teen-age pupil who had a ring fixed to his tongue, giving himself s very noticeable speech defect.
his parents kicked up a stink.  I told them that even if they were not prepared to protect him from self-harm, I was. He was readmitted once the ring was removed.

You see men and women who feel compelled to display their mutilated arms, legs, shoulders or neck, even in the most inclement weather, so that their self-mutilation can be seen all year round.

Are these loon not embarrassed when their self-mutilation is seen at close quarters by nurses and doctors?

Sometimes the tattoos are so densely drawn that the limb looks permanently dirty. An example of this is David Beckham. Idiot. He could easily afford to have instead a permanent natural tan. Idiot.