The Israeli government, not content with killing over 21,000 Palestinians since the start of the Gaza war, in retaliation for the death of 1,200 of their own, has announced its intention of continuing its bombardment and invasion of Gaza throughout 2024.

On the eve of the New Year, 28th to 31st December,2023, there were about 200 more Palestinian deaths.

A senior Netanyahu ministerially has stated the government’s intention of clearing all Palestinians from Gaza, so that it can be completely taken over by settlers. Meanwhile, the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank continues unabated.  Settlers armed to the teeth and protected by IDF soldiers and often provided with IDF uniforms, destroy the property of Palestinians, murder with impunity and take over more and more of the territory.

The clear Zionist expansionist policy of taking over the whole of Palestine for Jewish settlement is breeding more and more hatred among the Arab populations of Palestine and the surrounding states. Once unleashed, that hatred could lead to the annihilation of Israel. It could lead to total blockade and the cutting off of Israel’s water supply.

That is an eventuality the Zionist bigots never consider.

The USA would, of course, come running to Israel’s aid and Israel would use its nuclear weapons, regardless of the risk of world war.

Israel assumes that atonement for the holocaust will excuse its murderous policies for ever.

The British government continues supinely to support Israel and the US and the pathetic Labour Opposition remains largely mute, in hock to its paymasters, the Israeli Embassy and Jewish donors, so badly needed to replace income from the 200,000 Party members lost since the perfidious scandalising and expulsion of Jeremy Corbyn.

Prospects for 2024 look bad.

Zionism is tantamount to a death-wish for Israel.