Diane Abbott, the latest victim of Keir Starmer’s Gestapo

In April 2024, I wrote a blog about Diane, this country’s first Black woman MP.

She had just had the Labour whip removed for writing to a newspaper suggesting that Jews and  Roma, for example, suffer less racism all their lives in comparison to black people.  In my earlier blog I said this was suggesting the blindingly bleeding obvious. Racists are not of high intellect and will react to skin colour, failing to  understand that British Jews and many Romani people, although white, are  not of the majority  ethnic group.

The Labour Party’s  bovine disciplinary authorities, too, are not at all subtle. Diane’s argument would be too demanding for their limited thought processes and, like the rest of us, she should know that matters of race are best left alone, because with Starmer’s Gestapo, febrile as they are, to talk about race is walking on egg shells. Even when they have a fish on the hook, they are very slow, although their overriding objective is clear: as in Blair’s time, to keep leftists out of elected posts  as councillors or MPs and to rid the Party of as many leftists as possible. It took them from April 2023 to December to determine that a formal warning should be issued and the Labour whip was removed. Diane was then left in limbo, sitting as an independent MP,  until May 2024, when the whip was restored. Why the law’s delay? The bovines were hoping that their victim would get fed up and walk away.This would have solved their problem and achieved their objective: another left-winger gone, another critic of  Labour’s lurch to the right gone. The formal disciplinary process, slow-going as it was, concluded in December 2023, but Starmer and other front bench MPs continued, when the media asked questions about it, to say the process was on-going. Some may have been unaware or misinformed, but Starmer knew the truth and lied about it.

At the last General Election we were offered Johnson, inveterate liar, as PM. Now we are offered another liar, Starmer.

His worst lies were told when he was seeking the party leadership.

He made pledges on public ownership, green investment, tuition fees and social benefits and has since reneged on the lot


Starmer has denied that he wants to rid the Labour Party of all left-wingers. But the proof is there.

Tens of thousands of rank and file members have left in disgust at the Party’s return to Blairite  Tory-lite.

Many have been expelled, falsely accused of anti-Semitism.

The close vetting of all local nominations for elected posts has kept out left-wingers and Starmerite faithfuls have been parachuted in.

The latest victim is the candidate for Chingford, who learned from the press that she is to be replaced.

The political cleansing we saw under Blair is being repeated.



Starmer is frequently reminding us that, although  he is a knight of the realm, he is one of us, because his father was a mere toolmaker.

He is also repeatedly telling us that the labour Party has changed under his leadership. Too right. He won the leadership on a platform that included some of the policies that proved so popular with the electorate at the 2017 general election. He has been jettisoning those policies ever since, just as his Gestapo has been hounding out all opposition to Starmer’s moves to the right.

The Labour Party was never a socialist party  – although it came closest to it under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership  – but it was a party with socialists in it.  The bovines have been busy ensuring that there are fewer and fewer socialists in it.

Starmer has recently said he is a socialist. He went on to say what he meant, demonstrating that he had no idea what socialist means to most people, but will hypocritically say whatever suits him at the time


At the time of writing, 31st May, Diane Abbott is still unaware of whether the Party will endorse her as its official candidate for her constituency and the lies, obfuscation and confusion over this issue continue to dominate the headlines.