Israel continues to act as if the gas chambers and the ovens indemnify it against any  guilt for its genocidal war on the Palestinians.

While they were in operation, although the WW2 Allies knew what was going on in Auschwitz, Buchenwald and the other death factories, they did nothing about it. They could have bombed the concentration camps or the railways carrying thousands to their deaths, but Churchill and the rest gave questionable logistical excuses for doing nothing about the genocide.

Now the western allies are doing nothing about Israel’s killing fields in Gaza and the West Bank. History is repeating itself. Our politicians feel no obligation to take action to protect the Palestinian’s basic human rights.

The figure usually given for deaths in Gaza is 40,000.The British medical journal, The Lancet, considers that the true figure, by August 2024, is closer to 180,000.

Having devastated Gaza, with its scorched earth policy designed to clear the territory of all Palestinians, Israel has now turned its attention to the West Bank.

The Israeli military has occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem since the 1967 six-day war. Now, on the specious grounds of self-defence, the army has been attacking Palestinian towns and refugee camps. Since1967,West bank Palestinians have  been subject to harsh martial law and attacks by armed gangs of settlers. Over the years, hundreds of them  have been killed or driven from their homes. Thousands have been arrested and imprisoned without charge or trial. Ignoring international law and UN resolutions, Jewish settlements have been established on Palestinian land.

As America’s belligerent proxy in the Middle East, Netanyahu’s gang of right-wing extremists can do no wrong. Leader of the settler gangsters and National Security Minister is Itamar Ben-Gvir. His appointment is equivalent to putting the fox in charge of the hen-house.

Ben-Gvir, ever the inflammatory self-publicist,  recently announced his intention to demolish the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, one of Islam’s holiest sites and replace it with a synagogue.

Gaza has been turned into hell on earth, where any semblance of civilised life is impossible, rather like the ghettoes and concentration camps  of the 1940s.

The decimation suffered by that generation of Jews is now being visited, by a later generation, on the Palestinians.

Israel’s intention is clear: ethnic cleansing of the whole of Gaza and the West Bank. Any possibility of a 2-state solution is being destroyed. Israel is intent on a one-state solution, an Israel inhabited solely by Jews.

Our pucilanimous prime Minister and Foreign Secretary roll out the mantra that Israel has the right of self-defence while regretting some of Israel’s methods, including the mounting casualties. Weasel words and crocodile tears. They should block arms exports from this country to the Israeli killing machine.

There will come the day when our ministers will be judged for their participation in cold-blooded mass murder.



But the Biden administration, presidential contender Harris and our submissive Prime Minister, Starmer, all appear  unperturbed that Israel’s war is breeding ever more hatred.


Much of the world considers Israel to be a pariah state.

The Israeli government and the British Labour Party consider any criticism of Israeli government policy to be antisemitic. That is totally irrational. Equally irrational is holding ordinary Jewish people responsible for the sins of Israel.

However, so long as Israel continues on its present murderous path, it is creating conditions for anti-Semitism to spread.