When Johnson had not yet been made Party Leader, his one-time boss, Max Hastings, another Tory and previous Editor of the Daily Telegraph, warned us that ”The Tory Party is about to foist a tasteless joke on the British people. He cares for nothing but his own fame and gratification. He would not recognise the truth, whether about his private or political life, if confronted by it in an identity parade.”

Although warned by people who knew him best that he is an idle, lying scoundrel and feckless womaniser, The British people voted him into office. Why? Well he promised to get Brexit done, having an oven-ready complete solution. He would keep out migrants. Furthermore, the NHS would get £350 million a week more income. The £350 million was a bare-faced lie and Brexit has left some collateral damage. Michael Gove, too, spent that Brexit campaign telling lies. Well, the majority of people voted to leave the EU and now they have what they wanted.  Their principal concern was to prevent immigration.  Some of the simpler souls were angry to find, on the morning after the Brexit referendum result, that there were still obvious immigrants here; they had not been expelled overnight. Brexit exhibited the racism that still resides deep within society. The collateral damage of Brexit is piling up.

Northern Ireland has no government because that bit of Brexit was a careless unworkable bit of Johnsonian make-believe.  Some of our industries NHS, social care, agriculture, hospitality  are struggling with labour shortages. Johnson’s undoing came, in part, as a result of his breaking his own pandemic lockdown rules and lying about it. This was his arrogance on display. 

Although sacked, he has kept his job, enabled to do so by his cronies. He has continued the high-life at tax-payers’ expense. Multiple holidays and festivities at Chequers.

He has been parading around Ukraine as if the hero of the hour. It would be no surprise to hear him claiming to have been fighting The Russians on the front line.

He could let one of his houses to Ukrainian refugees, but will not do so. That sort of generosity is for the underlings.

Despite being sacked, he still has widespread public support, because he gets away with things that others would like to get away with. Of course, he is rich in his own right and has a super-rich family he can call on. Having six fatherless children trailing behind him is no problem, and so, unfortunately, there will be more of his ilk in future generations.

Johnson is the embodiment of the moral decay at the core of our country.


Johnson has no morality and survives because so many people would love to be like that.

Johnson and his supporters are, between them, undermining the foundation of public morality. To the extent that the Church of England is still the Tory Party at prayer, the state religion is hypocritical and conniving in the demolition of basic moral values.


The US has the highest proportion of Sunday church-goers in the western world. It also has the world’s biggest pornography industry, the highest number of gun deaths and drug users. It is not clear what all that church-going does for them. In their millions, Americans vote for Trump, an obvious buffoon, egotist, misogynist and liar. In their millions they buy his tall-tales about winning the Presidential election and being the victim of witch-hunts.

His criminality is there for all to see, but people support him because, he has a TV show, he is a billionaire and he is able ensnare glamorous women and millions of shallow people would like some of that for themselves.  They can vicariously enjoy some of that so long as Trump is their leader.