Why did Hamas forces  break out of Gaza and invade Israel  on 6th and 7th October 2023?

They knew what would be the outcome. Since the Israeli government “disengaged” from Gaza in 2005, so that, free of any Jewish inhabitants, it could be fenced off and turned  into the world’s biggest open-air prison for its two million Palestinian in habitants,  there have been several intifadas  uprisings by Palestinian militants against the Israelis  and every time, in retaliation,  the Israeli military has been let loose, bombing and bulldozing, ostensibly aiming at militant leaders and their military infrastructure, but indiscriminately killing thousands of civilians. Every time this is what happens, so why did the Palestinians do it again?

Well, Sir Keir, instead of simply dismissing  it all as the work of terrorists, why not ask the question, WHY do they do it?

When hundreds of young Palestinians invaded Israel a few days ago, they were fully prepared to kill and to be killed. Why?

It was the action of angry people, desperate people.

When Israel was given statehood in 1948, its army forced out half a million Palestinians from their homes and farms. Seventy five years later, those people remain stateless and joined by ten of thousands more Palestinians driven out by armed settlers with the connivance of the Israeli army.

International law is broken  by evicting the population, then international law is broken again by occupying the vacated houses and land.

Unsurprisingly,  the people of Gaza are angry and in search of vengeance and simple justice.

Successive US and UK governments have turned a blind eye to Israel’s criminal behaviour and then stand aghast when the worm finally turns. You, Sir Keir, take the same stance as the USA: Israel can do no wrong.

You say that Israel has the right to defend itself from terrorism.  Have the Palestinians no rights? The UN Security Council offers them no protection; have they no right to fight their own cause?

You accuse Hamas of all manner of crimes. Are you of the opinion that Israel is guilt-free?

Neither side can claim to have clean hands in this war and now that Gaza is under siege, we are witnessing the most egregious collective punishment of recent times.

All the Palestinians have to do, in order to relieve the siege, you may say, is safely release all the hostages.

An alternative would be for Israel to release the two million Palestinians held hostage in Gaza.

 Unless stopped, Israel’s intention is plain: to continue its ethnic cleansing by driving the people of Gaza into the sea.


Yours sincerely


Colin Yardley