Of the 20th century, Isiah Berlin has said, “ I remember it only as the most terrible century in Western  history.”

Rene Dumont said:“I see it only as a century of massacres and wars.”

William Golding said: “I can’t help thinking this has been the most violent century in human history.”


The Jews of Europe were uniquely and horrendously victimised in the 20th century.

Now the world’s sole self-proclaimed Jewish state is leading the pack in making the 21st century even worse than the 20th.

With the help of such war criminals as Tony Blair, it has set the Middle East on fire.

The Nazi regime of the 1930s and 1940s was the nemesis of the Jewish people of Europe.

Now, in so many ways, Israel’s policies and actions, both domestically and on the world stage, are resonant of Nazism. Saying that will earn me condemnation as anti-Semitic, but I consider it to be the regrettable truth.

The US and UK governments Meekly call on Israel for restraint, but support its defiance of the UN and keep supplying it with armaments, encouraging it in its march to war.

Our pusillanimous Prime minister, Keir Starmer is running scared of the Israeli London Embassy, the British Board of Jewish deputies, the powerful Jewish lobby and wealthy Jewish donors to the Labour Party.

Starmer has continued to supply armaments to Israel, including parts for the F-35 aircraft which has inflicted such murderous assaults on Gaza, Syria and Lebanon. He is allowing the use of British colonial bases in Cyprus to be used as stop-overs for US shipments of arms to Israel.

He has made Britain complicit in Israel’s war crimes.

Just as the Nazis legislated to make Jews within Germany and occupied territories non-citizens with all civil rights removed, so has Israel treated its Palestinian population by creating an apartheid state.


Gaza was turned into a massive concentration camp, subject to constant bombardment and a starvation siege.

Collective punishment, a criminal device much-used by the Nazis, has been inflicted on Gaza for housing Hamas and now on Lebanon, another sovereign state, for involuntarily hosting Hezbollah.

Netanyahu made no secret, before the UN General Assembly, of his government’s plan to create a Greater Israel by stealing land from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, populating it with armed Jewish settlers under the protection of the IDF.

This echoes the Nazi push for a greater Reich, creating lebensraum for an expanding population of ethnic Germans.

It would take such a simple step by the Western allies to curb Israel’s march to war: an immediate total arms embargo.

Colin Yardley

3 October 2024

Email: darwin 121937@gmail. com