Yet another massacre in Gaza, leaving as many as 90 dead, including women and children. Witnesses talk of blood and body parts strewn among the rubble. Our Foreign Secretary again lamely calls for a ceasefire, while his government continues to export the means of war to Israel. Has he no empathy for the Palestinians? Why does he so readily swallow the usual perfidy of the Netanyahu government, made up of ultra right-wing bigots and racists?

Israel claims that its latest triple-rocket attack on a Hospital/school compound was clinically targeted on Hamas operatives, so that civilians would not be hurt.

The usual baloney. Go tell it to the birds.

Does David Lammy and the rest of the UK government not get the message that Israel is intent on clearing Gaza of all Palestinians, so that the whole territory can be settled by Jews from elsewhere in Israel?

I have likened  this infringement of international law (importing settlers to territory won in war) to the lebensraum  policy of the Nazis, during WW2. That comparison, deemed anti-Semitic,  led to my exclusion from the Labour Party.

Israeli National Security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir has called for the permanent occupation of the Gaza Strip by Jews only, moved in from elsewhere in Israel.

This is Zionism taken to the extreme.

Such ethnic cleansing and re-settlement would constitute  war crimes. However, Israel is used to committing war crimes with impunity. America will always support and protect its nuclear-armed proxy in the middle East and the British government compliantly kowtows to Washington.

The Israeli military is constantly interfering with the transport of humanitarian supplies at the Gazan border crossings and denies it is doing so.

Like Ben-Gvir, the Israeli Defence Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, the Finance Minister, wants a total blockade of all humanitarian supplies to Gaza. By persistently interfering with transports at the border  and destroying Gaza’s civil infrastructure, the Israeli military has severely hampered the delivery and distribution of water, food, fuel, medical and sanitary supplies.

This illegal blockade, which has the explicit support of senior Israeli ministers,  has resulted in outbreaks of disease, including polio, particularly affecting children and pregnant women. This outcome suits the Israeli government, intent as it is on the genocidal clearance of Gaza.

Over the past ten months, the relentless Israeli bombardment has killed over 40,000 Palestinians and laid waste to housing, schools, hospitals and essential infrastructure.

The risk of an epidemic spreading from Gaza to the rest of Israel and beyond to the densely populated Middle East is a risk that would give no concern to Netanyahu and his government of extremist freaks.

What further  proof does our government want that Israel is intent on Genocide?

40,000 Gazan Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed over the past ten months and thousands of others have been injured. 2.3 million Gazans are homeless, living in tents or make-shift accommodation in damaged buildings.

Gaza has few intact buildings remaining. Community assets, such as schools and hospitals and power plants have been targeted and destroyed. Water supply and sewage systems have been destroyed

Their conditions are intolerable.

By allowing Israeli armament factories to operate on British soil and by giving export licences to BAE Systems and others to bolster the Israeli war machine, our government is complicit in genocide.

Parallel with the ten-month murderous assault on Gaza has been the war of attrition fought by settler gangs on the Palestinians and Bedouins of the West Bank. Settlers from housing schemes illegally constructed on land occupied since the 1967six-day war, operating as nothing better than heavily armed gangsters, terrorise their Palestinian neighbours.